One way to kick-start mobile giving at your fundraising event is to show a live feed of all incoming donations.

Using our Givelithon® feature, you can do exactly that. In the Givelify Analytics Studio, the Givelithon feature enables you to show a running tally of all donations received.  

Display it on a big screen during your fundraising event and get donors excited about supporting your mission. You can also show the fundraising goal you're trying to achieve and how much you have left to raise.

You can have volunteers or board members make the first donations. Once attendees see the funds increasing, they'll want to donate to hit the goal!

The Givelithon feature allows your organization to display the following in real time during your event:

  • Running total of donations
  • Fundraising goal you'd like to meet
  • Incoming donations
  • Photos of donors as they give using the Givelify mobile app

With a Givelithon, you can create excitement around your organization’s mission, while publicly recognizing and thanking donors for their contributions.

Create a Custom Fundraising Campaign

Before you can feature a Givelithon at your fundraising event, you first need to set up a campaign in your Givelify app. By doing so, you can enable donors to direct their funds to a specific cause. In this case, you could use the name of the fundraiser or the cause the event is supporting.

If you’d like to create a new fundraising campaign for your Givelithon, follow the instructions for creating a new campaign.

How to launch your Givelithon

To launch a Givelithon, follow these steps:

1. On a computer, log into your organization’s account at

2. Select Giving tools > Givelithon.

3. Under Active Campaigns, navigate to the campaign you want to present in a live Givelithon. Select Launch.

Under Active Campaigns, navigate to the campaign you want to present in a live Givelithon. Select Launch.

4. The Givelithon will begin and you can see donations live as they’re received.

The Givelithon will begin and you can see donations live as they’re received.

To hide the donors on the right side of the screen, click the three dots on the top left of the screen and select Hide donors.

To show the Givelithon on your full screen, click the expand icon on the top left of the screen. Once in full screen, click the icon again to exit full screen.

Once you have your Givelithon ready to go, display it on a big screen during your fundraiser so all attendees can watch as the donations roll in to help you reach your goal.